How can I have less conflict?


How can you live a life with less drama and more peace?

How can you live a life with less stress and more smiles?

It’s pretty simple … mind your own business.

If you want less conflict, simply mind your own business. Keep your nose out of other peoples problems. When you do, your stress level and conflict quotient will go way down. 

Paul talks about this in I Timothy 5, when he was teaching his young protege, Timothy how to deal with a certain group of young woman in his congregation. Now the context of this passage is speaking specifically about a ladies that are in Timothy’s church. However, the point Paul is making crosses over into our time, and relates to both genders. Here is what Paul wrote to Timothy. 

I Timothy 5:13-15

Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also busybodies who talk nonsense, saying things they ought not to. So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander. Some have in fact already turned away to follow Satan.

Paul is letting Timothy know that there is this group of woman that when left to their own devices will become nothing but, busybodies going from house to house, seeing what everyone else is doing. They will then, take that information to another person, then another, and another. Constantly gossiping and getting up in other peoples problems. 

Paul tells Timothy, instruct these ladies to get married and start managing their own house. In other words, tell these ladies to - mind their own business. Quit getting over in other people’s private life and causing a problem that was small to grow larger and larger. 

If we are honest with ourselves, we spend hours every week talking about how someone else is living their life. We like these ladies, through Facebook, through phone calls, and text, get all the down low and details of how “Uncle Eddie” is living or what “Mr and Mrs So and So” did to someone that we don’t even personally know. 

We get so tense. We get so conflicted. We get so uptight, over how they spend their money. How they are living life and the choices they are making. However the truth of the matter is, how they are living and the choices they are making don’t even affect us at all. They don’t affect us until, we start making comments to other people or start chatting with other friends and family. Then, when Uncle Eddie and Mr So and So hear about it, they get hurt, and upset. They then make comments, to other people that we know and now we are hurt because of what they said about us. We have been pulled into a problem that was not even ours to begin with. 

We waste so much of our time, worrying about, talking about, and thinking about other people. 

You would probably cut your tension and stress level down 25% if you would simply mind your own business.

I recently published an audio book designed to help you make the changes you need to make by taking a good look at your problems, the people in your life, and the questions you have about God. We want to get this into your hands so we have made it absolutely FREE.

Download your copy of the free “Something Needs to Change” audio book here.


1 - What is actually my business?

2 - Do I struggle with finding out and talking about what “they” are doing?

2 - What can I do to change?