Real World Rules.


Everything in life has rules.  Rules are written, spoken and unspoken.  However they are certain, rules that govern everything we do.  If you learn these rules, and play by them you are going to go far. If you don't know the rules or know them and refuse to play along, well your life is going to be far less than you ever hoped.

When you are young, living with mom and/or dad, getting things handed to you, it’s easy to have a misguided view of how life is to be lived.  However, a few months out in the REAL WORLD will wake you up very quickly. Here are some rules that I have learned over the many years I've lived in the real world.  Unfortunately I've had to learn many of them the hard way. 

1) Small is BIG

5 minutes is not very long.  You can be 5 minutes early or you can be 5 minutes late.  If you are only 5 minutes late to many times, you get FIRED and lose your job. Small things make big impacts.

2) Your Intentions mean NOTHING.  Your actions are EVERYTHING

"I was going to but...."  "I thought about it, but...."  "I really really wanted to, but....."  Listen, your boss, your spouse, your kids and all the people in the world don't give a flying flip about what you intended to do. All they care about is what you actually did.

3) No one gives you anything.

A job, a raise, a house, a car, a vacation trip to the Bahama' don't deserve any of those things. The only way you will get and keep the things in life that you want or need, is by earning them.  You earn a raise. You save for the vacation. You get a job, so you can buy a car.  We live in a society of people that feel entitled to everything, when in actuality they are entitled to nothing. The sooner you learn that no one is going to give you anything, the faster you will get the things you want and need.

4) Your talent and a $1.50, will get you a cheap cup of coffee.

Talented people are a dime a dozen.  The world is full of great athletes, amazing musicians and incredibly gifted communicators that never made it.  Far too often gifted people rely solely on their looks, talents or abilities to take them where they want to go.  However, talent will only take you so far.  Talent is a wonderful commodity when combined with character, but alone talent is just not enough.

5) A servants heart will take you places you never dreamed.

What does Amazon, Airbnb, and the Loves just off the highway, have in common?  They have mastered the art of SERVICE.  I need something delivered tomorrow, so I log onto People need a place to sleep at a great price, Airbnb gives them what they need. If you are Driving on a road trip and need to load up on gasoline or snacks? Loves, serves those needs by offering a store on almost every major exit along your journey.

Jeff Bezos wanted to serve people. He is now the wealthiest man on the planet. Airbnb was started with the idea of giving people great service when they are staying in a new city. Today it’s one of the largest hotel chains in the world. By giving people the opportunity to fuel up with gasoline and load up with snacks, Loves helps people stay on the road and make it to their destination. What started out in 1964 as one gas station, now has have over 500 locations in 41 states and employs more than 22,000 individuals.

If you want to be great, have nice things, make an impact on the people around you, you must have a servants heart.  When you do, you will go places, do things that you never dreamed, and make the world a better place.

These are just a few of the lessons I've learned along my 49 year journey of life.  Hope they help you on your journey!