Do you want to accomplish more in your day? Here are 4 proven methods to not waste your most prized procession. TIME.


In Ministry we all want more. More people. More Influence. More opportunity to minister to others.
More time to get things done. In Luke 16 we see that when we are faithful with what we have been given, we will be trusted with more. 

Even though we can never actually get more time, I've discovered four things we can do to get more done in the time we have been given. 

Here are four things you need to do in order to not waste your most prized possession. 


Once it is spent, you can never get time back. So spend your time wisely.
Here are a few tips to faithfully steward your time.

1 - Always have a notebook on you – especially in meetings

You never know when a great idea for a message, or ministry, is going to hit you so always have a notebook close by so you can write down the idea you have. Also, always and I do mean always have a notebook with you in meetings. God uses your superiors and your ministry partners to encourage an inform you so always be ready to learn. 

2 - Prioritize your schedule.

What are the four big things that you need to get done this month? Write them down as well as all of the steps (to do’s) it is going to take for you and your team to complete them. At the end of the day, look over your list to not only see what you accomplished, but to take stock on how efficiently you spent your time. 

3 - Four things you should do every day in ministry.

Have a Personal Study Time – message Prep does not count. 
Work on your Personal Health – workout at least 3 times per week. 
Team Building – Spend some time with your team – meeting, learning, eating, laughing.
Start checking things off your To Do List – Get to work doing the things you need to do.

4 - Make sure that you run your day don’t let your day run you.

Set your schedule then get to work. Work hard and work smart, but get to work! Once your day is prioritized stick with it. Don’t allow other things like Social Media, Phone Calls, or text you receive to get you off track or wasting time.