How to speak to teenagers - Part Two: Hear from God on what to speak on.

With all the great speakers and messages floating around on the internet today, it’s very easy to hear a message from Ed Young, Andy Stanley, Matt Chandler, or Francis Chan and just take their stuff, reshuffle it a little bit and call it your own.

Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with listening to other speakers, getting ideas and points for messages.  However, when you stand before a group of teenagers you need to know that you have heard from God on what topic to speak on. 

If listening or reading someone else’s message stirs something up inside of you, that’s great. Don’t be afraid to use that information as a catalyst of creativity and content for what you’re going to say. However, before you get up on stage, make sure that you have taken time to get alone, spend time in prayer and wrestle with the text. 

If you want to make a lasting impact in the lives of your listeners, hear from God not just another great speaker. 

For more communication tips check out BUILD and YOUTH MINISTRY UNIVERSITY