What should you do when you are going through a trial?

1. Embrace It.

This trial is going to make you stronger. So don’t ignore it, justify it or try and wish it away.
Embrace the reality of the situation you are currently in. 

2. Realize and Believe that God is bigger than your trial.

No matter what type of trial you are going through. You have to realize and believe that, there is no other name above the name of Jesus.  HE is bigger. He is faster. He is stronger than anything you will ever face. 

3. Speak Positively and not negatively to yourself and others over your situation.

You set the tone for your day by what you say. So make sure you are saying positive things, based on the word of God and not negative things about your situation.

4. Find two Scriptures that promise victory. 

Every time a negative thought comes into your mind, speak these promises over your situation. 

5. Do the right thing every day regardless of how it feels.

If you will do the right thing regardless of how you feel, your steps will take you to the future God has for you. 

6. Go thru the trial.

Successful people go thru tough times all of the time. That is what makes them successful … they GO THRU their problem. You will not stay here forever … so GO THRU whatever situation you are in.