Audio library to help you grow.
Growing a healthy team. Part 5
The system is the solution.
Today’s audio is not just a “must listen”, it is a “must apply”.
Be sure to download the pdf, meet up with your coaching staff, and begin to set up systems that give you incredible results.
Growing a healthy team. Part 4
Time is a valuable commodity. When spent wisely, time, can build trust, community, as well as bring success to any relationship, and endeavor. Today we give you some tips on using time to build and grow a healthy team.
Growing a healthy Team Part 3.
Building Trust.
One major factor that contributes to team success is trust. "Lack of trust will eventually trump talent".
As a coach you need to know the role that trust plays on your team and how you can develop it. A lack of trust can disrupt your team’s focus, decrease performance, and cause player’s to lose confidence in the team, you as a coach, as well as each other.
I hope you will listen to the audio, download the pdf, and walk through with your team and coaching staff.
How to grow a healthy team. Part 2
Clear Vision
If you are going to have a healthy team, you are going to have to have a clear vision. Vision begins to come into focus when we ask and answer three questions as individual coaches as well as a team. In today's seminar we walk you through these questions as well as give you a pdf to walk through as an individual and team.
Download the PDF and listen to the audio with your coaching staff to begin to walk through this process together.
How to grow a healthy team. Part 1
Nothing good happens on its own. We have to work to make good things happen. Today's seminar is part one of a training series titled, "How to have a healthy team". In this first episode we give you an overview of what it takes to have the team that you want and your players need.
Download the PDF and listen to the audio with your coaching staff to begin to walk through this process together.
Time Audit.
You only get one dance, one chance, one trip around the merry-go-round. You only get one life. What are you doing with it? In today's episode we ask the question, "How are you spending your time?".
Be sure to download and walk through the "time audit".
It is worth it.
In this audio we want you to know that you are making a difference in the lives of the people you lead.
Eight Non-Negotiable’s of Confrontational Conversations.
In today’s audio training we break down eight things that will help you in the next confrontational conversation that you have.
Be sure to download the PDF and meet with your staff.
How to have “Buy In” from your staff, parents, and athletes.
If you are going to succeed it is going to take a whole team of people coming together to accomplish goals. In this audio we give you some secrets to getting “buy in” from your team.
Be sure to check out the PDF and go over with your staff.
Turn your goal into a game-plan
What is the one thing that would impact everything?
The power of one.
This summer you have so many things to do, to work on, and possibly to change. However, what if instead of getting lost in the shuffle of all the things, you simply focused on one thing. What is the one thing that would change everything?
(Be sure to download the PDF and walk through your game plan for the summer).
Four things your children need from you. (Part 3)
Set good boundaries.
Rules. No one really loves them but they sure are needed. In this session we talk about the importance of setting good boundaries that not only protect but also propel our family forward.
(Be sure to download the PDF and go through with your coaching staff.)
Four things your children need from you. (Part 2)
A Moment.
An old well worn adage about life, is that children spell love with the letters … T.I.M.E. In this session we break down how important small moments of time are with our family.
(Be sure to download the PDF and go through with your coaching staff.)
Four things your children need from you. (Part 1)
A Model.
In all aspects of life, but especially with family, we need to remember that people don’t do what we say, they do what we do. (Be sure to download the PDF and go through with your coaching staff.)
Five Functions of a team - Part 6
Great teams get results.
What are the results you are looking for as a team? How do you get them? In this session we talk about 8 tips for achieving great results.
Five Functions of a team - Part 4 and 5
Commitment and Accountability
If we are going to be a great team, commitment and accountability have to be in the fabric of our personal DNA. What we are … our team will become.
Five Functions of a team - Part 3
Confront Conflict Correctly.
Conflict … we are going to experience it, however, conflict when dealt with correctly can actually be one of the best things for your team. In this session we talk about tips for confronting conflict correctly.
Five Functions of a team - Part 2
Building a Culture of Trust
The foundation of every relationship is trust. In this session we give you six tips on how to create a culture were trust rules supreme.
Five Functions of a Team - Part 1
There are five functions of a great team. In this sessions we discover where what they are and where we need to improve.
Focus on the goose not the egg.
In today’s episode we talk about the importance of focusing on the person, not just what they produce. When we focus on people … everything gets better.
The four non-negotiable of a great coaching staff.
Whatever we are as leaders, our team will become. If we want to have great teams then we have to be a great coaching staff. In today’s audio Kevin breaks down the four non-negotiable traits of any coaching staff wants to win games and empower young people.
5 things to tell yourself and your team.
Words are important. Words give direction. Words lift up and words tear down. In this episode we talk about five things that you need to tell your players and your coaches. I hope you will download the pdf and walk this through with your team.
Life is like a game. If we are going to succeed at life and leadership, we are going to have to know and apply the rules. In today’s episode, we will break down five of the rules of the real world that will help you grow and go to a whole new level.
I hope you will listen, download the pdf, and share them with your team.