Two Minute Training - Week of November 18
The law of the lid challenge.
In this audio we break down chapter one, and issue a challenge to help you grow.
Listen to the audio, take the challenge, and begin to grow.
Two Minute Training - Week of November 11.
Today we start a new journey.
We are going to do something we have never done before in our two-minute trainings.
Listen to the audio, pick up the book, and let's grow together.
Two Minute Training - Week of November 4th
"Three tips for communicating better with everyone you come in contact with".
Two Minute Training - Week of October 28
Step into creativity.
Have you ever tried something new? It is exciting and intimidating at the same time. In today's audio I talk about something intimidating that I am doing this week in hopes to help you decide to take a chance as well.
Two Minute Training - Week of October 21
Make it count.
We are revisiting the topic of time because it is so easy for us to know that we need to make adjustments, but then not follow through and make the important changes.
Be sure to listen to the audio, download the pdf, and then do what you need to do to "make it count".
Two Minute Training - Week of October 7
Time Audit
What are the things you value the most? Does how you spend your time during the week line up with what you value, or do you make some adjustments?
Two Minute Training - Week of September 9
The double dog dare.
In this week's Two Minute Training, We are issuing a challenge to memorize our vision statement as well as our core values. The more we have these values in our head we will more easily apply them with our hands.
Two Minute Training - Week of September 2
Let’s talk about shoes.
Two Minute Training - Week of August 26
In today's training we talk about a very powerful word.
Two Minute Training - Week of August 12
Keys to consistent quality. (Part 2)
One of our core values here at Hoosier Crane is "Consistent Quality".
In today's two minute training Kevin will be giving you a few tips on how to produce what we want and the customer needs every single time.
Hope you will listen, apply, and share.
Two Minute Training - Week of Aug 7th
Dow this hard thing and you will get better!
In this week's Two-Minute Training we are giving you a tip that is anything but simple.
In fact, what we are talking about is so hard that most people fail to do it, causing them to fall short on accomplishing the things they wanted to experience personally and professionally.
I hope you will listen, apply, and share the audio that is attached to this email.
Two Minute Training - Week of July 22nd
Keys to consistent quality. (Part 1)
Quality doesn’t just happen. We have to make it a focus everyday. In today's two minute training, we are discussing keys to consistent quality.
Two Minute Training - Week of July 15th
Somebody go help somebody.
We live in a world that has a lot of brokenness and issues. We can either ignore it or do something about it. In today’s episode we talk about how important it is to role our sleeves up and help.
Two Minute Training - Week of July 8th
The questions of communication.
In this week's Two-Minute Training we not only talk about the importance of communication, we also give you three questions to ask yourself every time you receive information.
Be sure to listen, apply, and share.
Two Minute Training - Week of June 24th
Look for the stairs.
Maybe things don’t have to be as hard as they seem. Maybe there is a better way to climb the mountain.
Two Minute Training - Week of June 17th
Six foot and eight inches.
When Kevin was a child he desperately wanted to be 6’-8”, however, he never made the goal.
In today’s episode we talk about growth in hopes that we actually reach our potential.
Two Minute Training - Week of May 28th
Make a memory.
Boy oh boy, life goes by way to quick. It is so important to do our best, push past barriers, and be successful in our daily work. However, as we are striving for a better tomorrow, maybe it would be a good idea to make a memory today.
Two Minute Training - Week of May 20th
Gather and Scatter.
As we continue to scale, grow, and expand there are two things we need to begin to master. “Gather” and “Scatter”. Hope you will listen, apply, and share this with your team.
Two Minute Training - Week of May 13th
Enjoy today, because tomorrow will come to soon.
Life goes by way too quickly. In todays episode we talk about slowing down and embracing the day.
Two Minute Training - Week of May 6th
Lifting yourself to new heights.
What will it take for you to go to a new level? In this episode we talk about the one thing that will take you from where you are to where you want to be.
Two Minute Training - 80/20 Rule
What do you do when you are at a new level?
(Be sure to download the pdf. It will help you walk out the steps to growth.)
Our Core vale of … Community
In today’s episode you will hear a true story that will hopefully inspire you as an individual and us as an organization to come together and put out the fires around us.
The “System” is the solution.
When we place good people into a great system, we will experience incredible results. In this session we talk about two people and ask two questions that will not only help us now, but help us step into the future!
Core Value - Customer Service
In today’s episode we take a look at “Customer Service”. We are going to ask you one question and give you two invitations. Hope you will listen, apply, and share!
Turtle Time
In today’s episode we take a look at our most valuable asset … our time.
I hope you will listen, apply and share.
Core values - Creativity
Let’s get better.
In today’s episode we take a look at one of our core values … Creativity.
As we think outside the box and implement new strategies, processes, and procedures, what if we focused our creativity on the pursuit of better? If we get better ... bigger will take care of itself.
Core values - Commitment
Right is right and wrong is wrong
At Hoosier Crane our Vision is to “lift to new heights” the way we are going to accomplish this is to live by a set of core values. In this episode we take a look at “commitment”. We are committed to doing things right!
Customer Service - Creativity - Consistent Quality - Commitment - Community
At Hoosier Crane our Vision is to “lift to new heights” the way we are going to accomplish this is to live by a set of core values. In this episode we discuss each of the five things we value.
Customer Service - Creativity - Consistent Quality - Commitment - Community
Four thieves of “better”.
Here at Hoosier Crane, our purpose is to “lift to new heights”. We want to lift ourselves, our team, our community, and our customers to new levels of success. In order to do that we have to get better.
In today’s episode we reveal the four thieves of “better”.
I hope you will listen to the audio, download the pdf, apply to your life, and share with your team.
Lifting to new heights
“Vision Statement” is such a buzz word in the business world. But what is a vision statement? Why is it important? What is our vision statement heat at Hoosier Crane? In this episode we strive to answer these questions and more.
Above all else guard your heart - Part 2
Gossip … it’s never good.
If you want to ruin a relationship, friendship, workplace, or culture ... then gossip. Gossip is never good. You know it and I know it. In this episode we will dive into what gossip is, why it's so bad, and what we can do to keep it out of our lives.
Above all else guard your heart - Part 1
In today's two minute training we are talking about guarding our heart against jealousy.
Jealousy is something that we all struggle with from time to time. This week's audio will not only exposes jealousy but also give you a couple tips on how to get rid of it.
Work life balance - Part 3
Work life balance is never easy. However, in today's audio training we give you one simple and powerful thing that you can do every day that will bare minimum, make your day better!
Be sure to check out the PDF and share with your team.
Work life balance - Part 2
Do you struggle with work life balance?
Do you struggle with being home when you are home?
In today's episode we break down a very practical step you can take to free up your mind to be home when you are home.
Work life balance - Part 1
Do you struggle with being home when you are home? You don't have to live this way. There is a way to balance work and life. Over the course of the next few weeks we are going to give you practical tips and advice on how to be home when you are home.
In our first episode we will talk about the problem and give you two simple tips.
Who is your coal Miner?
Every single person on our team makes an impact, but sometimes people don’t realize how important they actually are. That’s where you and I come in. As leaders it is so important for each of us to make sure that we thank, we recognize, and we show honor to every single team member that we have.
I hope you will listen to the short audio and then go find your coal miner!
Judge yourself and you won’t be judged.
In today's episode we talk about taking the time to do a personal review of ourselves. It is so important to take the time to evaluate who we are, where we are, and steps we need to be taking. If we take the time to look at ourselves, improve ourselves, and proactively course correct, others will not have to correct us, because we have already identified the issue and course corrected.
Non-Negotiables of confrontational Conversations
Confrontation is something we often avoid because we don’t know for sure what to do. In this weeks audio we will give you eight must do’s when meeting with people in tough situations.
rEAL world rules - episode 5
Your character will keep you.
The old saying, "Your talent may have gotten you here, but it will be your character that keeps you" is so true. This is a statement that we have heard so many times we often take it for granted, until it's too late.
Today's episode is one that you will want to not only listen to, but will be one you want to share with your team.
rEAL world rules - episode 4
Nothing great ever happens by just talking.
Talking is a very powerful thing, however, just talking does not get things done. In fact, nothing great has ever happened by just talking - at some point - you have to get up and do the work. In this episode we talk about doing more than just talking.
rEAL world rules - episode 2
Small is big.
It is not the big things that really hurt or help us in life and leadership. What hurts or helps is the accumulation of a bunch of small things. Doing the right small things over and over again really moves the ball forward. Doing something small that hinders over and over again, slows everything down or brings things to a complete halt.
rEAL world rules - episode 1
You deserve nothing, you earn everything.
In today’s two minute training, we are starting a brand new series, titled, “The real world rules”. In this first episode, we talk about how in the real world, we deserve nothing, we earn everything. I hope you will listen, apply, and share this audio.
In this week’s, two minute training, we are talking about… giving thanks. Thursday is Thanksgiving, but hey, why wait until Thursday? Go ahead and say thanks today. Give this audio a quick listen and be sure to share it with a friend.
Treat people the way you want to be treated.
In this final episode of conflict - vs- drama we discuss one of the most foundational truths of life and leadership. Doing this one thing will not eliminate conflict but it will keep drama from escalating.
Texting is a great tool for transfering information and a horrible tool for dealing with confict.
In todays episode we give you reasons why to never use text during confrontational situations.
Hope you will listen, apply, and share.
In today’s two minute Training , we are going to talk about speaking the truth in love. So many times when it comes to conflict, we go to the ditches of either speaking the truth and it’s the hard truth and nothing but the truth or we go to the ditch of speaking love, being nice, being polite, but never actually solving the problem.
If we want to handle conflict correctly, we have to speak the truth, but also speak it in love.
I hope you will listen, apply, and share this audio.
Two-Minute Training - Week of October 23rd
Conflict -vs- Drama-Part 3
You’re not perfect either.
If we are going to deflate drama and confront conflict correctly, we are going to have to talk to people directly. However, when speaking with someone, it is very important that you go into the conversation, realizing that, even though they may have dropped the ball, you are not perfect either.
In today’s session, we discuss how to go into a conversation with humility.
I hope you will listen, apply, and share with your team.
Two-MinuteTraining - Week of October 16th
Conflict -vs- Drama-Part 2
Talk to the person not just about them.
The best place for drama to develop in ourselves, on our teams, and in our organization, is by talking about people, but never talking with them. When we talk about the situation, but we never actually deal with the situation, anxiety, frustration, and tension grow. However, when we meet with someone one on one and talk openly about the situation, the chance of that conflict being resolved, increases greatly.
Two-MinuteTraining - Week of October 9th
Conflict -vs- Drama
Today’s two minute Training , we are starting a series titled… “How to have less drama”. In today’s episode, we will discuss the difference between conflict and drama. One can actually bring resolution and make things better, while the other will divide and crumble our community.
Two-MinuteTraining - Week of October 2nd
Maybe let’s look at something else.
So many times we look at what is wrong, what is broken, or what needs to be fixed. That is actually a good thing. However, sometimes we look at all the wrong and never notice all the right. We focus so hard on fixing what is bad, that we neglect to celebrate what is good. In today's episode we are going to change it up and look at the good stuff all around us.
I hope you will listen, apply, and share.
Two-MinuteTraining - Week of September 25th
If you want to get better … ask.
Far too many people become stagnant in their personal and professional life. When people do choose to grow or change many times they make it way more complicated than it needs to be. A practical way to grow is to simply ask someone close to you, someone you answer to, and someone that answers to you, one simple question.
I hope you will listen, apply, and share this content.
8 things series - part 8 - Listening Ear
Your team doesn’t just need to hear your voice, they need you to hear theirs.
This session will give you a few tips on how to give them what they need.
8 things series - Part 7 - “challenge”
Everybody has a little more they can do, a little farther they can go, another mountain they can climb, they just need to be inspired to take that step. In this session we talk about the importance of challenging your team member.
8 things series - Part 6 - “Involvement”
Everyone wants to be a part of something bigger than themselves. In this sessions Kevin will discuss what is looks like for you and your team to plug in with each other.
8 things series - Part 5 - “Dreams”
Everyone has dreams, goals, ambitions. What if you asked your team members what their’s were? You might just take everything to a whole new level.
8 things series - Part 4 - “Vision”
Your team members need to know where they are going personally, in your department, and as a company. The best way for them to know it … is to hear it from you.
8 things series - Part 3 - “Clear Direction”
If you are taking a trip, what do you need?
You need clear direction.
Your team needs the same thing when executing game-plans.
8 things series - Part 2 - “Recognition”
Everyone wants to hear “good job’ from time to time. In this episode we will give you three ways to praise your team members.
8 things series - Part 1 - 'They are needed.’
The first thing your people need to hear from you is that they are valuable. This session will give you a few tips on how to show your people they are needed.
What do you do when you care?
When we care about something there are three things we always do. Today we will break down the 3 P’s of caring.
Working together makes everything work better.
Here at Hoosier Crane we are not on an island. We work together. In this short audio we will discuss the two steps that we need to take on a regular basis to be great teammates.
Self Evaluation
If we are going to succeed at Hoosier Crane we are going to have to begin to master the art of self evaluation. In this short audio training we will take a look at how to do just that.
Four questions to ask when there is a problem.
At Hoosier Crane, we don’t point fingers, we solve problems. In this session Kevin gives you four questions to ask to ask when a ball has been dropped, or something did not meet expectations.
What is in your cup?
From time to time life is going to give us a little bump. In those moments what happens? This week Kevin asks a very powerful question … what is in your cup?
Words to live and lead by.
The past, the present, and the future. Each of us have all three. How we live out these three things will determine not only our quality of life but those around us. Today we will give you some tips on what to do with your time.
The most powerful thing you’ll ever do.
In this short audio we discuss the one thing that will absolutely decide not only the direction you take but also where you end up in every area of your life.
Maybe there is a better way.
There is way we can so easily walk in our life and leadership. in this Monday Motivation we will discover a different way, maybe even a better way.
Now is the time.
What is something you have been wanting to do? What is somewhere you have been wanting to go?What is something you’ve been needing to say?
Now is the time …
Finish what you start.
Have you ever started something and then not wanted to finish?
In this episode you will hear of the story of lessons learned from a failed hike.
Mission + Trust = Success
In todays episode we talk about two ingredients that when added together bring success.
Take two steps.
In this session you will discover what do you do when the list of things that need to be accomplished seems so big you will never accomplish them all.
What is your short term mission?
If you want to actually accomplish tasks and crush goals, you need to develop and walk out your short term mission. In this session we will break down the formula “I will do X by Y because of Z”.
Set specific and short term goals.
Have you ever set a goal and not accomplished it? In this session Kevin unpacks a simple formula to help you stay on track and see your goal through to completion.
What you need to BE
Who you are will eventually trump what you know or can do. In this session we discuss the four things we need to be in order to truly succeed where we are and where we are going.
Three things we do everyday.
Work Smart - Work Hard - Work Together.
If we will simply do these three things, everything will get better1
Control what you control.
There are so many things we cannot control. But if we will control what we can, we will begin to influence the things we can’t.
Hope you will listen, apply, and share with a teammate.
Creating a high trust environment.
We create the environment we live and work in. Today’s training gives us four things we need to know and do in order to have a culture of trust.
Trust is the foundation to every relationship.
What do cars, tires, and foundation blocks have to do with trust? You will discover that and much more in this short audio session.
Growing healthy family tree at work. Trunk of trust.
Trust is the foundation of every relationship. In this session we ask three questions that will help us be more trustworthy to those we live life with at work.
Going to a new level. Part 3 - Ask Questions.
Growing people ask questions that is why they continue to grow. If you want to grow to a new level of life and leadership, questions should be a part of your daily life.
Going to a new level. Part 2 - Seek Critique.
We all want to be right. But it is honest critique that has the potential to make ideas, work, and relationships better.
Going to a new level. Part 1 - What are you looking at?
Where you are going is many times determined by where you are looking. In this session we discuss the power of looking at the right people.
Four Things Your Leader Needs To Hear From You
If want trust to increase, problems to be solved, and your department to go to a new level, communicate these four things with your leader on a regular basis.
Don’t point fingers, solve problems.
We want to have a culture of problem solving not just finger pointing. This short audio will give you some tips on just how to do that.
Give your heart not just your talent.
Everyone has some sort of talent, however, not everyone has heart. What will separate you from everyone else is not “what you do” but “how you do it”.
Four qualities you need from your team.
When you get the heart right, everything else falls into place. Today’s session will give you four qualities you and your team members need to possess.