Do we want to look better or get better?


In 2015 I wrote this short blog. 

I think it's worth revisiting and seeing how it can challenge us today. 

Aug, 2015: 

I think we care a little too much about what things look like and not enough about actually improving! 

The Cleveland Browns are getting new Jerseys and several of their players are all over Social Media talking about how great their new uniforms are. One of Cleveland players tweeted, “Best jerseys in the league! Hands down! We have 9 different color combos! 

Now lets think about this for a minute.
The Browns are something like 84 wins and 172 losses since 1999 and the players are excited because they are getting new jerseys? 

The reason the Browns have lost 170+ games has nothing to do with lack of color combinations, it has everything to do with lack of performance on the field. You don’t hear players from winning teams like the Patriots, Seahawks, or Denver talking about how cool their Jersey’s look. 

If we want to succeed or move forward in our faith, family, and finances we need to take more time in self evaluation, hard work and playing better, and less time in making sure our uniform looks pretty. 

Aug, 2018. 

Ok, so let's take a look at how those brand new, 9 different color combos improved their teams performance.  

2015 - 3 wins and 13 losses 

2016 - 1 win and 15 losses 

2017 - 0 wins and 16 losses 

Since bragging about their brand new jerseys, the Cleveland Browns have won 4 games and lost 34. Looks to me like the Browns are due for new uniforms again. 

The reality is that far too many times we as people work harder on looking better than we do at being better. What is the goal of your organization? What are three things you need to improve personally to help reach that goal? What are three things your department / organization can do to improve performance? What is keeping you from doing those things today?

Every morning when you and I wake up, we have the opportunity to do something very powerful. We have the opportunity to improve. 

Lets take advantage of it. 

WHY ARE PEOPLE LEAVING MY CHURCH? Discovering answers to one of our biggest problems.


Sunday Night we held the first of our new monthly All Staff Gatherings with all of our ministry directors at TheCHURCH. We ate, talked, prayed, and I taught a short session on the topic of, why do people who have been plugged into the church body, unplug and leave? 

I know that true discipleship through assimilation is an issue that all churches deal with, so I thought that I would share what we talked about last night in the hopes of helping you, as you strive to stop the bleeding as the people you thought were with you run for the door. 

These are my actual notes from the session, hope this inspires some thought and a possible course of action for you and your church! 

Tim and his family start attending the church. They begin to get plugged in. They say how much they are loving it, and over the course of a few months slowly begin to be a part of the local body. They even begin serving in a ministry at the church.  Then, out of nowhere, Tim and his family are gone. 

Five years ago a small team of people and myself planted TheCHURCH at Visalia. We are a body of believers giving our lives to, "Bring people to Jesus and help them live like Him". 

The scenario, I just described with Tim, has happened at TheCHURCH more times then I can count. No thats not true. I can count them. In fact, there have been well over 100 people including children that were a viable part of our body here at TheCHURCH, that have decided to move on and no longer be with us. 


I have asked myself this question so many times. In fact, about two and a half years ago I started to really become a student of this question. I had this burning passion to discover, what are the keys to not just keeping someone in the chair, but releasing them to become a disciple of Jesus in and through our local church?

Before I let you know what I've uncovered, let me just say, I am not speaking tonight out of  depression, doubt, or angst against anyone that has ever left our body.  I have no animosity at all toward anyone. Our church is healthy, whole, growing, and full of people that are completely sold out to the cause of making disciples. My studies and observations come out of an emotionally good place as well as a hungry heart. I want our church to become even more effective at helping people fall deeply in love with Jesus. This happens best when people are a part of a local body. 

Here are a few things that I've discovered will not keep people in the chair or release them to be a disciple of Jesus in and through our local church?

1 - Personal interaction with me as their Pastor.

You always hear that people want to be in a church where they know the pastor and their pastor knows them. However, over the past five years I have personally seen that - text and facebook messages from me - lunch meetings with me - personal invites from me - having them to my home for dinner and get togethers - visiting them in the hospital or even doing their wedding - are not the things that keeps people plugged in, growing, or making an impact. 

By my estimation, personal interaction with me as their Pastor gives them a 50 / 50 chance (at best) of being a long term part of our body. I still do all of these things and will continue to do so, because I am passionate about people. However, I know this is not the secret ingredient that creates devoted disciples of Jesus. 

2 - Creative message titles or strong content. 

We work really hard to have catchy titles, good marketing, great content, and messages that inspire through the practical teaching of Gods word. However, there have been tons of people that have decided to no longer be a part of our gatherings, right in the middle of great teaching series. 

Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word. We will always work diligently to deliver life giving messages. However, the truth of the matter is, unfortunately, strong Biblical content has not held people in their chair or in our body.  

3 - Facilities, room decor or remodels.

We have remodeled rooms, updated spaces, and many people still made the decision to unplug and leave. People left during the renovations as well as after the renovations. Facilities do not make disciples. 

4 - Doing special events to meet their personal needs. 

A few years ago, we decided to do some special events to meet the needs of some of the folks that had talked with us. We did a few woman's events as well as mens breakfast gatherings. To be honest, they were great events! They were very well attended, and everyone had a great time. However, that year we had more people leave the church in a 12 month period then any other time of our churches five year history. In fact, many of the people that unplugged were the ones that came to us saying they really needed something specific for them.  

Again, I am not upset or angry with anyone that has ever left. I am not speaking ill of anyone in anyway shape or form. I am trying to get to the heart of the big question. Why do people leave the church and why do they stay? We have to go deep in this. We have to figure out what are we doing in the church that is working and what are we doing that doesn't make long term disciples.  

Here is what I've seen. Personal involvement from the senior pastor, creative messages, facilities, and special events, will attract people to the chairs, but those things will not assimilate people fully into the body. 

So what is the fix?

Well to find the fix, all I need to do is look around at the people in this room. With everyone in this room there is a link, there is a string, that is woven through the fabric of our hearts. As individuals there is something that we have, that has moved us from the chair, to a leader in and through the our local church. 

All of you here have had personal contact from me, but so did they are they are gone. So thats not it. 

All of you have heard great content and creative messages that you liked. However, so did they and they are no longer here. 

Everyone here has been through facility changes as well as upgrades to parts of our building. The people who left experienced those same things as well and they decided to move on.   

You all have enjoyed special events gatherings and services. Some of the folks who are no longer with us not only experienced those services, they helped put them on.

You experienced the same things they did, however, they are gone and you are still here. Why?

Why are you here?  What kept you from unplugging and wandering away?

The best way to answer this is by tackling the question I’ve been focussing on for the past two and a half years. What are the keys that not only keep people in the chair but release them into the body?

1 - Clear understanding of who we are and what we are doing. 

Who are we and what are were doing? 

We are TheCHURCH. We are here to, "Bring People to Jesus and help them live like Him". We do this by gathering on the weekend, growing in groups, giving to Gods kingdom, and going back out into our world. We will do this with a strategic mission to have multiple campus locations making disciples in clusters of communities, wherever God would open the door. 

2 - Mutual desire to see the mission come to pass. 

I know this is what the church wants. The Church wants to, "Bring People to Jesus and help them live like Him" -by gathering on the weekend, growing in small groups, giving to Gods kingdom, and going back out and serving our world. I know the church is working towards having multiple locations, making disciples in clusters of church campuses wherever God would open the door

I know this is the mission of TheCHURCH .... and you know what …. I want the same thing. I want to Bring People to Jesus by gather, growing, giving, and going.  I also feel the best way to make disciples is instead of having one church that reaches 5,000 people, is to have 10 churches of 500, that are reaching 5,000 people. 

This is what the church wants and I want the same thing. 

Amos 3:3 - How can two walk together unless they be in agreement. 

Brian Houston once told a story of a gentleman in his church that said, "I’ll get behind your vision pastor!" Brian told him, "Thats not good enough. Getting behind my vision is not enough. Until my vision becomes your vision. Unless this becomes our vision together, it will never work. Because, you will not be here long enough to be a part of what God is going to do".

Two of the keys that not only keep people in the chair but releases them into the body are:

1 - Clear Understanding of who we are and where we are going 

2 - Mutual desire to see the mission come to pass

Here is the third one …. 

3 - A spot on the team. 

In a survey I once read, most basketball players stated, they would rather get playing time on a team that has a losing record, than sit on the bench and watch on a team that wins the championship.

The reason for this is, people want to know that they am valuable. They want to know they matter. People want to be a part of something that they are actually involved in. 

Here is a very important thing that I've seen first hand. "A spot on the team" can’t be the first thing we offer when someone starts becoming a part of the church. A spot on the team has to come after the person, clearly understands the mission of TheCHURCH and has a mutual desire to see it come to pass. 

When Tim starts coming to the church, if the first thing we do is offer him a spot on the team. Serving in the kids ministry. Serving one the worship team or serving in first impressions without him first clearly understanding why we here and knowing he wants the same thing. He will serve for a while and then be gone. This is not good for Tim or the body of the church. 

Why does this happen?  

We gave him a jersey before he really understood what we are playing for. 

He does not fully trust the coach of the team. He does not know or trust the other players on the team. Because of this he will soon take off the jersey and go play for another team. 

1 - Clear understanding of who we are and what we are doing. 

2 - Mutual desire to see the mission come to pass.

Then … 

3 - A spot on the team. 

This is the string that has kept each of you in the chair and now becoming a disciple in and through the church 

It’s not my vision. It is not your vision. It is our vision. That is why you are here. That is why you are making the impact you are making. 

What do we do with this?

We as a church have to get better (and we are working on new systems and ministries) to give current and new people a clear understanding of who we are and what we are doing.  We need to have a process for them to wrestle with the question, "Do I want the same things as the church?" If they do, then we quickly give them a spot on the team. 

As ministry departments here are two questions for you to wrestle with and answer. 

1. How are you giving a clear understanding of who we are and what we are doing as a church through your ministry department?

2. After a person realizes they want to go the same direction as the church, how quickly are you getting them a jersey and into the game?

Questions for you the reader:

1 - Do you have a problem with people unplugging from your church?

2 - How many people have left over the past two years?

3 - What are the things that you did that you thought would keep them growing with you long term?

4 - What are the systems you have in place to let people know who you are and what you are doing? 

5 - How quickly do you get someone on the team once you know they have a mutual desire to see the mission come to pass?



Everything we need can be found at The Table.


We all need something. I believe that everything we need can be found at the table.  

Yesterday we started a brand new series at TheCHURCH. We are taking a few weeks to break-down three examples of tables found in the Bible. Our hope is by the end of this journey we will have a clearer image of who God is and how he invites us to interact with Him. 

Week 1 - The Table of Showbread (Bread of the presence) in Exodus 25. 

Week 2 - King David inviting Mephibosheth to his table in 2 Samuel 9 

Week 3 - The table God prepares for us in the presence of our enemies found in the 23 Psalm. 

Yesterday was week one of the series. I taught on the table of Shewbread and what that shows us about who God is and what He desires with us.  I've attached the link to the message, feel free to watch it, share it, and take any ideas that you feel may work for you in your ministry context.

Note - I am giving you permission to steal the content ... lol 

Also ... leave a comment below if you are a Pastor or public speaker, I would love to hear what you are teaching and talking about as well. 



Timing is everything.

ancient time clock.jpg

Genesis 12:1-9

Now the Lord said  to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you.  And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.  I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

So Abram went, as the Lord had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran.  And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people that they had acquired in Haran, and they set out to go to the land of Canaan. When they came to the land of Canaan, Abram passed through the land to the place at Shechem, to the oak of Moreh. At that time the Canaanites were in the land.  Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring I will give this land.” So he built there an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him.  From there he moved to the hill country on the east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. And there he built an altar to the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord. And Abram journeyed on, still going toward the Negeb.

So God speaks to Abraham, telling him to, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you".  As you read on in this passage we see that , as Abraham is traveling, he goes right through Canaan (the land that God will eventually give him). God appears to Abraham and says, “To your offspring I will give this land.” God lets Abraham know, this is the place, this is the land I am giving you and your descendants. But God does not give it to Abraham right then. God leads him to the land. God tells him this is the land. But God does not give the land to him ... he makes Abraham wait. 

I find it interesting that with God, it is not only the "what" and "where" …. but also the "when" that is so important. It was not the right time for Abraham to receive the promise from God. So God allowed him to continue on. In the process, Abraham would do some things right, he would do some things wrong. He would make mistakes and ultimately, he would learn to trust God more.

I think the same holds true today for us. In fact I know it does. 

In our life today, God does not only care about the "what" and the "where" …. he cares about the "when". Timing is everything! When its the right time God will reveal the plan and open the door. Until then there are lessons that need to be learned. There are mistakes need to be made and trust the needs to be developed. 

Timing is everything! 

Application Questions:

What promise has God made to you?

Where do you feel like God is moving you in your journey of faith?

What lessons do you need to learn while you wait?

What changes do you need to make?

Are you willing to trust God in the meantime?

Are you willing to stay faithful to him?

Are you giving your absolute best with what you currently have and where you currently are?


Are you running the race alone or is your team running with you?

The race God has called us to run is far to hard to be ran alone, but anything is possible when we run it as a team.  


Today I was working in my home office, when I saw something sitting on my shelf that reminded me the power of "TEAM".

Several years ago when I was the Youth Pastor of Church on the Move in Tulsa, Ok. I got all of my team members around that served alongside at Oneighty. In the meeting I had each one of them come up and I handed them a football. This football had our mission of Reach - Relate - Renew written on one side and our goal reaching 1,000 students written on the other side. 

It was a very powerful moment as each individual came up and I handed them their ball.  As I looked them in the eye, I let them know that the ball (the mission) is now in their hands. They are free to run and carry us across the goal line.  

I still remember the very first Wednesday night service that we reached the goal of 1,000 teenagers attending our worship gathering. It was so amazing to see what God did corporately through Sam, Kristy, Josh, John, James, the interns and all of the volunteer team members that served alongside of them each week.

Application questions:

1 - Who is on your team and what roles do they play?

2 - What is your mission and is that mission clearly defined and know by the team?

3 - What is a medium or long range goal that your entire team is working toward?

4 - What can you do to rally your team around the mission and to run toward the goal?