The eight "MUST DO's" of business owners.

1 - Build Smooth Systems

If there is something that you do more than one time, you need to build a system. 

Things work best in systems and programs. Just look at the human body.  Our bodies are full of different systems all of which are working without you or I having to think about them. Our body breaths, pumps blood, divides cells, digests food, all at the same time without us having to work hard to make it happen. 

Each week you and your team strive to complete tasks, sale products, and satisfy the needs of your customers. The only way this takes place is if you set up smooth systems for every area of your business. 

2 - Have 360 degree communication. 

Everything rises and falls on leadership and leadership rises and falls on communication. Communication is a huge key to the success or failure of your business venture. 

You are the one in charge. So that means you are in control of the flow of information in and out of your office. It is your responsibility to make sure that communication easily flows up, down, left and right so that the all the people on your team, and the people your team work with are able to serve the needs of your customers. 

3 - Take a closer look, by asking questions. 

People don’t do what you expect they do what you inspect. 

Asking questions is not micro-managing. Asking questions is good stewardship. 

You take ownership, you lead effectively, by casting good vision, releasing authority, and then following up effectively with the tasks your team has been delegated.  

I read somewhere one time that when you are faithful over the little you will be faithful over much. If you want more influence, more employees, or more money, be faithful with what you already have and you just might get it. 

4 - Pay attention to details.

Its not the big things that will hurt you, its the small details that will kill you.

Here is how you can lead without getting killed by details. 

1. Set a goal. 

2. Establish the steps to completion. 

3. Follow thru until completed. 

4. Repeat steps 1 thru 3. 

5 - Confront Problems Quickly.

One of the worst statements you can ever make as a leader is, “I’ll take care of this problem later”.  I’ve found that if I don’t take care of my problems quickly, my problems quickly take care of me. 

If you want to succeed at anything, you have to become a great problem solver.  

The story of David and Goliath is one of the best problem solving illustrations. 

In the story of David and Goliath we see that David did three things.

1- He acknowledged the problem. 

He saw the 9’ tall problem standing down in the valley. He did not run from it. He did not ignore it. He acknowledged it. 

2 - He looked for the best option on how to solve the problem.

David asked himself, those around him and his authority figures. What should I do?  Should I leave? Should I let someone else fight? If I fight, what am I going to fight with?  He finally came to the conclusion that the best way to handle the problem is for him to fight Goliath and to fight him using a sling shot. 

3 - He handled the problem quickly. 

Once David knew his plan of attack, he ran down the Valley and quickly handled the problem. 

The three things David did are the exact same things you need to do when problems arise:

1 - Acknowledge the Problem.

2 - Look for the best option on how to solve the problem.

3 - Handle the problem the problem quickly. 

You have plenty of confrontation and problems to deal with on a weekly basis.  Because of this, do the best you can, to solve your problems not just quickly, but correctly. 

6 - Have Good Financial Stewardship.

Here are some good questions to ask before spending money.

1- Why do we need this item?

2- Will it help me accomplish my goal?

3- Is there a way to get the same result without spending any money?

4- Have I shopped around for the best price, checking at least different vendors?

5- If I get this item, will it negatively effect other parts of my budget?

7 - Have Strong People Skills.

The greatest asset in every area of your life is people. People work alongside of you. People purchase products. People tell others about their experience.  The more you master the art of connecting with people, the more success you will have. 

Here are six secrets to great people skills

1- Smile 

2 - Look people in the eye.

3 - Seek to hear before being heard.

4 - Ask more questions about them and talk less about yourself. 

5 - Think about how you can serve them, not how they can benefit you. 

6 - Under promise and over deliver. 

8 - Give your heart more than your talent. 

Your talent and $1  will get you a cheap cup of coffee. 

Everyone has talent.  Everyone has a skill set.  Everyone has something they are naturally good at.  But not everyone has heart.  

Your talent and your abilities may have gotten where you are today.  But it will be your character, your integrity, and your hard work that determines where you are in the future. 

If you will take the next six months and lead with your heart, you will go farther than you ever dreamed. 

Considering ministry? You need to see this.

For those considering ministry I want you to see this photo. This is a photo of my office, where I have been for the past three hours working on our upcoming teaching series at TheCHURCH. 

If you notice, the office is not fancy. There is no cool philter on the photo. The computer, notebook, and coffee cup have not been perfectly staged to create a more aesthetically pleasing photograph, in order to give the impression that I am way more cooler than I actually am. 

Nope. Just me in my office. Praying. Reading. Studying. 

This is ministry.

Days filled with study, meetings, prayer times, funerals, and counseling sessions. There really is nothing glamorous about it. 

So before you take the plunge to become a minister. I just wanted you to know that ministry is not as cool, as hipster, or as legendary as some depict on Social Media. However, playing your part in bringing people to Jesus, is an incredible way to spend your life. 


Fasting. The one thing that changes everything.

As we start to walk out this journey of 2017, we have to guard our heart against accepting mediocrity. Far too often we settle for mediocre relationships, mediocre finances, and mediocre walk with Jesus. 

Jesus did not die on the cross for us to be mediocre, He died to help us rise above the ashes of the past and be an example of His goodness, grace, and future! 

To start the year off this past weekend we did a message titled “Fasting - the one thing that will change everything”.  Watch this video then continue reading and begin you personal journey of fasting. 

If you would like to break free from mediocrity, we invite you to begin a personal fast. 

What is Fasting?

The word “fast” that is found in the Bible is from a Hebrew word that means "to cover" the mouth”. It is also a form of the Greek word “Nesteuo” which means "to abstain.”

Fasting is a season where you abstain from eating and drinking certain foods and beverages. 

Three reasons you should fast. 

1 - Fasting will break Poverty from your life.

2 - Fasting will bring health and healing to your whole person. 

3 - Fasting will deliver from Sexual Addictions and Demonic Powers.

How do I fast?

Set a goal

Start with a clear goal. Be specific. Why are you fasting? Do you need direction, healing, restoration of marriage or family issues? Are you facing financial difficulties? Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.

Prepare Spiritually

Confess your sins to God. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas of weakness. Forgive all who have offended you and ask forgiveness from those you may have offended 

Mark 11:25 -  And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

Surrender your life fully to Jesus Christ and reject the worldly desires that try to hinder you.

Romans 12:1-2 - Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, this is your true and proper worship.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Fasting for someone else to be delivered will do no good, if you are still caught up in sin!

Decide what to fast

The type of fasting you choose is up to you. You could go on a full fast in which you only drink liquids. You will want to see a Doctor before doing this.In fact we suggest that you always consult your personal physician before fasting any length of time. 

You could do a fast like Daniel, who abstained from sweets and meats, and the only liquid he drank was water. 

You can fast TV, Social Media, or Soda. You can fast almost anything, but just take a season where you bow to God and not the desires of your stomach. 

Remember to replace that time with prayer and Bible study.

Decide how long to fast

You may fast as long as you like. Most can easily fast from one to three days. However, you may feel the grace to go longer, even as much as 21 to 40 days. Use wisdom and pray for guidance. Beginners are advised to start slow.

What to expect when fasting

When you fast your body detoxifies, eliminating toxins from your system. This can cause mild discomfort such as headaches and irritability during withdrawal from caffeine and sugars. And naturally, you will have hunger pains. Limit your activity and exercise moderately. Take time to rest. 

Fasting brings about miraculous results. You are following Jesus’ example when you fast. Spend time listening to praise and worship. Pray as often as you can throughout the day. Get away from the normal distractions as much as possible and keep your heart and mind set on seeking God’s face.

How to end the fast

Don’t overeat when the time comes to end your fast. Begin eating solid food gradually; eat small portions or snacks.

Private Disciplines bring Public Rewards.

In 2017 we invite you to fast privately and let God help you step out of mediocrity and into His blessings. 





A letter to my younger self.

To Kevin, age 21, 

You are just starting out. You and Veronica have only been married two years and your first son Jordan has just been born. Before you begin your journey, growing into the man you want to become, I would like to give you some advice.  

You are very driven, and that is good thing, but don’t let your private desire to succeed for Him and make a difference in this world, be the driving force in your life. Even though your intentions are good, if you don’t run this race well, eventually your desire to make a difference could be replaced with a desire to be known… and that is where things could go dreadfully wrong. 

Let the pure pursuit of Jesus in your private life be the driving force of who you are and what you do for Him. You will find out in just a few short years, that success in the public eye will be temporary at best, but what happens in your private times of prayer will give you strength when you are weak and impact your family for years to come. 

Don't ever be afraid or ashamed of doing what others or even yourself may deem as small. You will find that it is the small things that make the biggest impact in you and those that will soon be around you. Simply do what God will call you to do and let Him take care of the size and so called results. 

As you grow in Christ, leadership, and position. Pay more attention to your father than you do the “rising stars” of the Christian world that you will know and rub shoulders with. 

Some of these men will achieve what most pastors and church leaders aspire to attain. They will all have large churches, nice salaries, and national book deals. Some will speak around the world and have a measure of Celebrity. However, you will soon discover that many will be absolutely miserable. Some will secretly struggle with pornography, others will be unfaithful in their marriage, succumb to addictions or have nervous break downs. These great men in the public eye will struggle greatly in their private life. They will fizzle out by the time they are in their mid 40’s, and begin by Gods grace, the struggle of putting their lives back together. 

Your father on the other hand will be totally different then these men. He will Pastor three churches throughout your life, none of which will ever grow to more than 200 people in average attendance. He will shepherded well, preach the word, and steward money faithfully. 

Your father will never be in the public eye and no articles will ever be written about his ministry. However, when he retires, he will be happily married, in perfect health, run 2 to 4 miles per day, and have no need for medication for any sort of physical or emotional ailment. 

After faithfully serving for 30 years as a Senior Pastor, your father will have left a mark on everyone he had come in contact with. He will have run the race of faith and leadership the way it is supposed to be run.  

Kevin, over the next several years many people are going to come and go in your life. During this time, watch your father closely. Follow his example, because he will soon be one of the happiest and most content men that you know. 

Never stop serving Veronica. 

Always put your children before your ministry. 

Do what God calls you to do, even when it hurts and you will experience more than you ever dreamed. 

Trust me. The best is yet to come! 

3 lessons I've learned the last 3 years.

1. The right team members are essential.

It is impossible to build anything of lasting value alone. We all know this, but far too often in our desire to achieve our dreams, accomplish our goals, and build something of lasting value, we very quickly start adding people to our lives, teams, and departments. However through the years, I have learned (many times the hard way) that ... 

I don't need people. I need the right people.  

I don’t need mentors, I need the right mentors.

I don’t need a partner, I need the right parter. 

Scripture teaches us in I Timothy 5:22 Do not be hasty in laying on of hands, and do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure. One of the ways of interpreting this is to not add people to your team, ministry, or life too quickly or you may have a mess to clean up.  

What we are called to do is to important. We don’t need team members, we need the right ones.

2. You’re going to fail a lot and that is ok. 

No matter how much you know or how hard you work, you are going to fail.  

Dr. Sues was turned down by 24 publishers before he got his book deal. 

The makers Formula 409 tried and failed 409 times before they got the ingredients right. 

Thomas Edison failed over 14,000 times when trying to invent the light bulb. 

The secret to success is not “never failing”. The secret to success is being willing to "fail until you succeed".

3. Communication will create or solve any problem. 

Never underestimate communication! When we have clear explanations, firm expectations, and consistent two way communication; we will not only complete our project, we will build a great team. 

If you want to learn more check out our FREE GROWTH VIDEOS